TINTOLL aims to contribute to the sustainable development of human beings, society and the planet by providing solutions to environmental and social problems. Respect for human rights is an essential element in realizing our vision.
We understand that our business may have internal and external human rights impacts throughout our business activities, including research and development, raw material sourcing, manufacturing, product and service sales, distribution and disposal. We strive not to cause human rights violations ourselves, nor to contribute to human rights violations by others, such as our business partners.
We are committed to respecting, at a minimum, human rights as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In addition, we support and conduct our business in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
We abide by the laws of the countries and regions in which we do business. Where local legal requirements conflict with internationally recognized human rights standards, we seek ways to respect international human rights principles without violating local laws.
Based on the concept of "human rights due diligence", we are committed to identifying, preventing, mitigating and explaining the negative impact on human rights that we may be involved in. We comply with country-specific laws and regulations related to human rights due diligence.
If we discover that we have caused or contributed to a human rights violation, we will endeavor to remedy it through appropriate means and procedures. If we become aware of adverse impacts on human rights that are directly related to our business, we will work with relevant stakeholders to use our knowledge and expertise to help mitigate such impacts, even if we did not cause or contribute to these impacts.
We recognize the importance of understanding negative impacts on human rights from the perspective of stakeholders, especially those affected. We are committed to engaging with our stakeholders when we consider actions to address potential and actual adverse human rights impacts related to our business.
We recognize that addressing the following human rights issues related to our business activities is an important part of our human rights responsibilities.
a. Discrimination
We strive to maintain a workplace free from discrimination based on race, color, sex, age, national or ethnic, national or social origin, caste, aboriginal origin, family status, disability, HIV/AIDS status, marital status, pregnancy, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and trade union affiliation, political or other opinion.
b. Harass
We must not engage in any conduct that degrades personal dignity, such as harassment in the workplace. We will not tolerate any speech or behavior that may constitute physical or mental harassment or cause the person concerned to feel humiliated.
c. Forced Labor
We will not engage in forced labor and will not tolerate any form of modern slavery, including bonded labor and human trafficking.
d. Child Labor
We shall not employ any child under the legal working age as defined by national and/or local laws and regulations. We prohibit the assignment of hazardous or harmful work to young workers.
e. Recognition of the Right to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
We respect freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and other civil and political rights. We will continue to build strong employer-employee relationships through engagement and open dialogue, and foster a workplace culture and environment that places a high value on communication, transparency and teamwork.
f. Health and Safety
We put safety first and work hard to prevent workplace hazards. We shall implement safety management in accordance with applicable national and/or local laws and ensure a safe occupational environment through the voluntary and active efforts of each employee. All employees are encouraged to report any safety concerns or concerns without fear of adverse treatment.
g. Working Hours and Wages
We comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding working hours and wages in the countries and regions in which we operate. We are committed to setting appropriate maximum working hours limits in accordance with local laws, ensuring reasonable breaks and holidays, paying allowances in accordance with relevant laws, and prohibiting unfair wage reductions. We strive to create a comfortable working environment while paying full attention to the safety and health of our employees.
h. Privacy Protection
We respect and protect personal privacy. When handling personal information, we will implement procedures to prevent information loss or leakage in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
i. Product Usage
We conduct thorough quality control to ensure product safety and continuous quality improvement. We will sincerely listen to the requirements of customers and relevant stakeholders, and will continue to work hard to ensure that our products can be used safely and reliably in accordance with the basic principles of Responsible Care activities.
j. Business Partner
We will share our position on human rights with all business partners and are committed to working with suppliers and other relevant stakeholders to promote respect for human rights in our business activities. We strive to integrate human rights risk considerations into the merger and acquisition process.
k. Community
We understand that our business activities may affect the human rights of local communities, such as land rights, water rights, the health of individuals in the community and the rights of Indigenous Peoples. In addition to understanding local cultures and customs, we are committed to respecting human rights and acting as good corporate citizens in our communities to meet the expectations of local communities.
l. Human Rights in High-Risk Situations
Based on the fundamental philosophy of respect for human rights, we work especially hard to prevent human rights violations when we are faced with high-risk environments, including areas affected by conflict, natural disasters or cultures of corruption.
In addition, we seek to source minerals responsibly, including managing the risks associated with conflict minerals through due consideration of possible related human rights impacts or environmental burdens.
m. Grievance Mechanism
If our members suspect an actual or potential violation of applicable laws and regulations, or a violation of internal policies, including this Human Rights Policy, they may report the case to their supervisor or through our reporting system. Investigate reports received in order to take corrective action when violations occur and to prevent recurrence.
We will continue to work to improve the effectiveness of our grievance mechanisms to properly address potential adverse human rights impacts related to our business activities.
n. Education and Training
We are committed to raising awareness of human rights within the organization and work to ensure that every member is aware of issues related to human rights. In addition, we strive to integrate human rights into our relevant corporate procedures in order to integrate this policy into our business activities. We will further provide our officers and members with the necessary education and training to equip them with the knowledge and ability to effectively implement this policy.
We strive to create an organization where our diverse workforce can work in positive and inclusive ways. We practice equal opportunity in recruitment, job assignment, promotion, employability and career development. Our goal is to create an environment where each employee understands their role, develops the necessary competencies and respects diverse ways of working.
We will monitor policy implementation, including the status of human rights due diligence, and regularly disclose the progress of our efforts related to our human rights commitments.